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CJI Participates in UN 'Combating Antisemitism' Briefing

On June 15, the Center for Jewish Impact, represented by board member Daniel West Cohen, participated in an exclusive Briefing on Efforts on Combating Antisemitism, organized by the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) and the Delegation of the European Union to the UN.

The meeting explored a future outline of a UN system-wide coherence on combating antisemitism and best practices of monitoring antisemitism.

A UN plan will be based on the EU Strategy on Combating Antisemitism and Fostering Jewish Life (2021- 2030) adopted by the European Commission on October 5, 2021, to UN Member States and relevant stakeholders.

West-Cohen offered two interventions in the open session regarding the EU Strategy and the UN's adaption of a similar model. First, we strongly urge that any plan should safeguard and reinforce the protection of Jewish ritual, particularly Kosher slaughter and circumcision, which have come under fire across European states. Jewish communities (as well as their Muslim neighbors) must be given full freedom to practice Jewish religious ritual.

Second, we recommended the development of clearer guidelines and standardization regarding shared educational curriculum in public schools. This would require implementing curriculum and professional training for UN-supported public schools regarding Holocaust memory, antisemitism (its roots, history, and identification), as well as education around past and present Jewish civilizations.

We thank our friend and partner, Ms. Katharina von Schnurbein, EU Coordinator on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life, as well as H.E. Mr. Miguel Ángel Moratinos, high representative of the UNAOC, for initiating and leading this crucial work. We look forward to continuing to serve as your partners in both thought and action,

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